Crisp County Farm & Hunting

$ 322,500


Located in arguably one of the best deer hunting areas of middle Georgia lies this sleeper of a property. With great genetics, class 2 soils, and row crop for miles, it sets the stage for Pope and young and better class deer. 44+- acres of row crop production with annual income of $2700. 25+- acres of approximately 15 year old planted loblolly pines. The balance is in mast producing hardwoods and roads. Paved road frontage on highway 300. 5 Mins to interstate 75 and Cordele. 11 mins to Lake Blackshear. Land for sale in Crisp County Georgia.


County: Crisp County, Georgia
  • State: Georgia
  • Property ID 7857
  • Price $ 322,500
  • Property Type Farm & Timber
  • Property status Sold
  • Land area 75 Acres
  • County Crisp


Joshua Pfeiffer

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