Results (213)
Excellent hunting property in #1 ranked Macon County and located in the Flint River corridor. The Flint River is located 1 mile from this property. Currently there is 20 year old planted pines for potential harvest income. There is also a balance of mature hardwoods and wet weather area on the property. pics to follow… […]
Patsilaga Flint River Sanctuary
Purchase of a lifetime for the right buyer. Textbook, as if by design, timberland riverfront outdoorsman’s property (over 3.5 miles est. Flint River). The ultimate compliment to this extraordinary expanse of Flint River is a similarly impressive span of Patsliga Creek frontage (perhaps 3 miles)! A layman’s description could describe a virtual island as water […]
This hard to find small property has Beautiful mature pines, scattered hardwoods, gorgeous elevations for building and secluded location on county graded road. This could be a place to live with excellent deer hunting. There is one neighbor in immediate vicinity otherwise nothing but timberland and farming. Owner has planted numerous oaks, fruit trees, persimmon, […]
735 Acres Horse Creek Farms
735 Acres Horse Creek Farms Where Horse Creek Meets the Flint River
Red Cabin in the Hardwoods
230+- acres Red Cabin in the Hardwoods This Hardwoods property has Creek frontage on well known Echeconnee Creek beautifully complementing the abundant turkey and deer population. This property has mature hardwoods and some younger natural growth hardwood… This Hardwoods property has Creek frontage on well known Echeconnee Creek beautifully complementing the abundant turkey and deer […]
Keel Creek Plantation
1447+- acres Keel Creek Plantation This blue chip property adjoins large Plantation landowners that practice common management for wildlife. Whitetail Bucks have been taken off this property and the adjoining lands scoring in the 150’s and 160’s…. This blue chip property adjoins large Plantation landowners that practice common management for wildlife. Whitetail Bucks have been […]
Sumter County Georgia Irrigated
201 ac – center pivot (income) farmland with hunting woods and creek Approx 115 acres under center pivot with est. 20-30 acres in dry land farming. Wooded balance has year ’round creek. Farm lease is $25,500.00 annually and deer hunting lease is $3000/annually…. Approx 115 acres under center pivot with est. 20-30 acres in dry […]
Shellstone Creek
109+- acre Shellstone Creek Property This property is a mix of planted pines and hardwoods. It has an extensive road system that allows one to travel to food plots on separate ends of the property. This property is a mix of planted pines and hardwoods. It has an extensive road system that allows one to […]
48+- acres Rolling Planted Pines
48+- acres Rolling Planted Pines This smaller property consists of almost all younger pre-merchantable planted loblolly pine timber. The rolling topography is accompanied by a hardwood drain with white oaks and mixed hardwoods. Several mature pecan trees… This smaller property consists of almost all younger pre-merchantable planted loblolly pine timber. The rolling topography is accompanied […]