Southern Rivers Properties

P.O. Box 417, Perry, GA 31069
Properties: 78
Agents: 5
Phone: (229) 349-1680Associate
Mobile: (478) 258-4255

Contact Agency

Sportsman’s Paradise!
189 Acres +/-
Lee County, Georgia


Multidimensional in scope, Sportsman Paradise includes the following: Beautiful home and landscaped grounds with lake overlook. The lake is magnificent. It is approximately 35 acres with estimated .depths of 10-12 ft with creek channel likely deeper. The longtime owners have never experienced low water problems. The fishing is described as phenomenal. A close friend opined […]

Twiggs County Home on Turkey Creek
27 Acres +/-
Twiggs County, Georgia

Located in fast growing Twiggs County Georgia is this 3/2 new construction ready to move in home. Situated on Turkey Creek with 27+- acres offering country living with the opportunity to hunt. Turkey Creek is a year round tributary that provides water for the abundant wildlife. Deer numbers are high with some excellent bucks. Turkeys […]

Wilkinson County Hunting Property
26 Acres +/-
Wilkinson County, Georgia

Located in Wilkinson County, Georgia. This 26+- acre Property boasts a lot of hunting potential for its size. Rubs can be found on many trees while walking the property. Mainly mast producing hardwoods consume the acreage with some large natural growth pines mixed in. Large landowners surround the property and area. Gently rolling topography also […]

Clay Hills Farm

Clay Hills Farm

$ 1,054,000
267 Acres +/-
Randolph County, Georgia


Deer and Turkey haven in Randolph Co that has been trophy managed for years with multiple food plots and a great interior road system. There are several springs on the property that provide a continual water source. Turkey hunting on these two farms has been epic through the years. Hearing 10-12 gobblers on a cool […]

Turnpike Long Leaf Farm
60 Acres +/-
Telfair County, Georgia


Located in Telfair County Georgia. Properties of this size rarely come available that offer great hunting along with future investment means. A spring fed creek winds through the property supplying water to deer and turkeys. Topography suggests a pond site is possible(verify with a reputable pond builder). A well established road system allows you to […]

Sumter County Griffin Farm
60 Acres +/-
Sumter County, Georgia

Beautiful multi dimensional farm/timber property with small cabin. Older pines are planted in wildlife enhancing strips and give a mini plantation ambience to farm field, small pecan grove and manicured grounds. An equipment shelter houses tractor and atvs(no equipment included in sale but may be purchased separately)There are 2 4 inch wells on site. Cabin […]

Fraser Branch Farm

Fraser Branch Farm

$ 395,000
54 Acres +/-
Taylor County, Georgia

This 54+- acre tract is located right off the Flint River bottom. This property is known for and has consistently produced mature bucks every year. It has been strictly trophy managed and protein fed for the past 10 years. It has seasonal watering holes from creeks and springs. Topography suggests possible pond sites. It is […]

Peace in the Pines
18 Acres +/-

Are you looking for road frontage, acreage, and a quiet place to call home? This property checks off all those boxes! Located between Cochran and Chester, this 18+- acreage would be the perfect place to build a home. Beautiful pines are located all throughout the property, along with plenty of paved road frontage. Shown by […]

106.692 Acres Taylor County/NEW PRICE
106 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

timber tract of mature thinned pines, younger premerchantable pines and some cutover surrounded by other timberlands here in one of Georgias top trophy Deer (Flint River and Whitewater Creek) counties. Plenty of Deer, hogs and Turkey. Food plots. Neighboring properties have been managed for Trophy Whitetail. Property is located on quiet country graded road. This […]

276(+-) ac. Macon County/Pecan grove,cultivation,woodland
276 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

pretty old farm near Montezuma, Vienna and I-75 in Macon County with extensive frontage on paved Highway #90 and county graded road. Beautiful 45 acre (+-)mostly irrigated pecan grove, approx. 114 acres good farmland (all providing rental income of approx. $15,000 in 2012 )and a balance in timberland cutover several years ago. Deer hunting is […]

141 (+-) ac. Mitchell Co./ farming,woods, pond, bldg. sites, wildlife
141 Acres +/-
Mitchell County, GA

old family farm, much in same ownership for 50 years located in an extraordinarily clean country area. Approximately 80 acres is in two farm fields currently renting for approx.$80/acre. There is extensive graded road frontage and pretty views prevail in several places (multiple building sites). An existing pond is shared with an adjoining nieghbor and […]

96 (+-) acres Sumter County timber/creek,game plots. Exc. Deer hunting
96 Acres +/-
Sumter County, GA

Pretty, private timber tract in a county noted for quality Whitetail Deer hunting. Approx. 45 acres is 10 year old (+-) pines, approx. 10 acres is 21 year old natural growth (+-) pines, approx. 8 acres is old field. Balance is creek bottomland, food plots, and hardwoods in a natural ‘bay’/cypress pond type area at […]

450 ac. (+-) Dooly county! Major creek, fields, timber, some cutover-Trophy Whitetail
450 Acres +/-
Dooly County, GA

Hogcrawl Creek is an approximate one mile west boundary with graded Lester Rd. being an east boundary. This parcel is gorgeous, full of timber, has income production and is full of Deer and Turkey.

Beautiful 212.69 ac. Plantation caliber timber property w/ blue chip trophy hunting
212 Acres +/-
Sumter County, GA

This pretty investment grade timber tract is located approx. 5 miles east of Americus and perhaps 5-6 miles west of the Flint River. Loaded with 20 year old or older pine timber, a northeast corner has beautiful hardwoods and has been deemed a suitable location for 5-7 acre pond. A paved highway fronts the property […]

568(+-) acre High fence. Furnished lodge,equipment,fields, etc.
568 Acres +/-
Marion County, GA

Turn-key property with 4 bedroom 3 bath lodge tastefully furnished, master shop/barn, tractor + implements, trough feeders serviced weekly,etc. A latticework system of internal roads connect most fields. A game fence encloses approx. 95% of the entire property and has perimeter roads inside and outside the fence. Deer and turkey sign here is extraordinary. Timber […]

246 acres Schley/Macon CO. 2 major creeks, cabin, timber
246 Acres +/-
Schley County, GA

Premier trophy deer place with upscale 1600′ cabin overlooking 6-7 acre stocked pond. 100 year old timber scattered along vast frontage of Buck Creek and Deer Creeks. Adjoining 200 acre lease possible. Some planted pines are ready to thin but most of timber is older natural pine and hardwood. High deer density and wrapped up […]

Price reduced by $100,000 ! !! Lodge complex, pond, fields, timber, long time ownership
400 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

This property has been extremely well cared for by closely held ownership with family focus for years. Historically a multi-dimensional hunting tract the property has endless trails and woods roads, numbers of cultivated openings for planting of green patches, etc. Though considered ideal deer and turkey habitat there are two locations that have been successful […]

Flint River timberland hunting property
760 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

Coveted Flint River property with approx. 200 acres of planted pine once thinned approaching Chip ‘ ‘N Saw stage. Most of balance is approx. 15 year old natural regeneration with old hardwoods on River and sloughs. Several food plot locations have been carved out of the River forest. Approx. one mile is Flint River frontage […]

Ocmulgee River Gem

Ocmulgee River Gem

$ 1,100,000
589 Acres +/-
Telfair County, GA

A virtual hunting paradise carved out of vast Ocmulgee River bottom land. Not for everybody- but for the purist who will settle for nothing less, this is the rarest of opportunities. All the work is done: First class cabin is built on piers and has three bedrooms ( includes loft with two queen size beds) […]

Trophy deer, turkey, pine and hardwoods, creek – Price Reduced !
147 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

located in a top Georgia trophy buck county just south of Butler. Access is off of paved road thru gated entrance. Woods are pretty with older hardwoods and scattered pine. several food plot locations complement a creek branch that is one property line. Several bucks in the 130-140″ class have been harvested here. Plenty of […]

Outstanding deer and turkey tract with camphouse,creek, food plots
220 Acres +/-
Webster County, GA

Timberland hunting property with camphouse, food plots, creek, planted pines and natural timber. Located near Weston in old farm country turned timberland in lots of places. Over 300 mast producing trees have been planted including chestnut, crab apple, honey locust, sawtooth, gobbler sawtooth, Japanese persimmon, pear, and fig trees. Almost all have tree tubes. The […]

Beautiful, Private, unexcelled timber investment with phenomenal hunting
593 Acres +/-
Houston County, GA

Minutes away from the explosive growth area of Perry and Warner Robins with I-75 access close by this is an investment grade, quality timber property. . The timber breakdown is approx. 40% 20 year old planted pine ready to thin now with a major balance in 20 year old (+-) hardwood (small percentage is 16 […]

High percentage pine timber pulpwood to poles. Creek, hardwoods, food plots feeders, mineral sites, super deer,turkey
500 Acres +/-
Terrell County, GA

This is a timber tract with great hunting-not vice versa. Pine quality ranges from older pulpwood to chip ‘n saw and saw timber/poles on probably over 1/2 the property. A balance of land is in mixed natural timber with numerous pockets and corridors of older hardwoods with random springheads. Carefully managed for quality deer and […]

361.25 ac. Blue chip Hunting: creeks, pond, 2 cabins, CRP income, old growth hardwoods,etc.
361 Acres +/-
Terrell County, GA

Remarkable farm turned timberland with 2 cabins, small pond, double frontage on over a mile of creeks/branches, established hunting fields, trophy managed for Whitetail Deer and world class turkey hunting in vintage ‘turkey woods’. 3-4 growth stages of older CRP Longleaf pines contribute to an income stream that should cover taxes and many expenses. Agricultural […]

Plantation caliber sportsman’s paradise.
160 Acres +/-
Crawford County, GA

Superb older planted pine timber with multiple creeks bisecting the property with beautiful hardwoods. Gorgeous lake with dock stocked with fish. Food plots located throughout with obvious dove field possibilities. Deer and turkey hunting is excellent as is fishing in the lake. Located very near the coveted Monroe County line in an unblemished timberland country […]

Fishing, hunting, timber – quiet and private!
108 Acres +/-
Lincoln County, GA

A first quality forest land property of hardwoods and mature pines that were seed tree cut approx.10 years ago. The result is a superb stand of younger pines producing healthy understory for wildlife as well as future income potential. A flowing creek branch through gorgeous old hardwoods provides a deer and turkey hunter the ultimate […]

Flint River basin Taylor County timber,creeks, pond, HUNTING!
230 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

Beautiful old family owned farm – since the 1800’s- is now in timber production geared toward cash flow and scheduled timber harvests. Approx. 100 acres of Older pine timber has been intensively managed and complements a balance of mature hardwoods along extensive frontage of two spring fed, flowing creeks. A 40 acre (+-) stand of […]

Timberland hunting in Big Deer country
47 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

Excellent Deer and turkey hunting in SE Taylor County near the Macon County line. Flint River is not far east and the Garden Valley area is just south. Mixed pine and hardwoods is accessible from paved road with internal road network to several food plot locations. Not many this size for sale with this kind […]

Timberland hunting with 2 homes in high end farm country!
101 Acres +/-
Terrell County, GA

Managed for wildlife including quality deer since early 2000’s, owner has decided to sell. The property is located on quiet country paved road and virtually surrounded by large irrigated crop fields. Neighboring woodlots and farmlands east and west run contiguously to two major creek watersheds which contribute to excellent deer numbers. There is a bona […]

Explosive turkey population with 150″ + Whitetail Bucks ! ! !
194 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

Secluded, remote, quiet timberland property in this well known Flint River trophy producing county. Boone and Crockett class Bucks grossing in the 150’s and up have been documented on this sale tract. All trail cam photos were taken here with most bucks still ‘walking’. The shed antlers are of a buck that owner considers to […]

Beaver Creek farm – A wildlife habitat
2250 Acres +/-
Crawford County

Spectacular Plantation caliber property groomed for years by long time owner. Improvements include main house, guest house, barns, kennel, stocked lake with dock, large cultivated hunting fields, etc., etc. Gravity protein feeders have been in place long before they became fashionable. Deer are of trophy quality and a turkey population is extremely high. There are […]

Flint River basin trophy producing farm/timberland!
240 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

Rare opportunity to own an old Macon county property row cropped for years and just as carefully cultivated for mature antlered Whitetail deer. Approx 50 acres is in good farmland with a timberland balance in planted and natural pines, scattered hardwoods, food plots and pockets of deer holding wetland and bedding habitat. Turkey hunting historically […]

Flint River cabin, Timberland, wildlife paradise
1132 Acres +/-
Sumter County, GA

Uniquely situated at River’s edge with multi-age class planted pines, year ’round creek, food plots, pretty hardwoods plus oxbow lake, etc…. Blue chip place for 150′ and better Whitetail deer, good turkey hunting, dove field location and great duck hunting. 1800 sq. ft. cabin is wonderfully located overlooking expanse of river waters and ultimately private.

Small Hunting Tract with investment grade timber
113 Acres +/-
Crawford County, GA

Turn key hunting property in the Flint River Corridor. This timber and hunting property is located on the Peach/Crawford county line with a Fort Valley address. Crawford County is know for producing trophy deer and ranked #9 in the state for big bucks. There is a substantial amount of merchantable timber on the property for […]

Timberland hunting with farmland !
100 Acres +/-
Webster County, GA

Neat and attractive farm and timberland is located west of Preston on paved highway. Deer hunting is good and turkey hunting should be a factor. Old pine timber is mixed with scattered hardwoods and several openings for food plots. Timberland neighbors 3 sides for miles. Farmland acreage is perhaps 25 acres and gives upscale ambience […]

Old country place with building sites in upscale farming area
92 Acres +/-
Terrell County, GA

Located in a neighborhood of peanut, corn and cotton fields plus timber properties with escalating values this is land that would make foresight a critical factor. Upscale approach from either direction on paved road suggests a place to live. Quaint country graded road on south boundary dead ends at property corner and is used by […]

Taylor County Hills
207 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

Merchantable pines/ hardwoods and a spring fed pond makes this property a deer and turkey haven. Taylor County’s overall deer heard is under trophy management, and this property is right in the middle of it. Pics to follow

Rare Small timberland tract with creek, field, pretty woods
50 Acres +/-
Crisp County, GA

Small, pretty woodland tract with Creek and 4 acre (+-) row crop farm field currently in peanuts. North boundary is paved highway with farm and timberland neighbors adjoining 3 sides. Hunting is excellent and Cordele and I-75 are minutes away.

BEST OF THE BEST – Old timber and Southeast’s biggest Whitetail deer…
200 Acres +/-
Worth County, GA

Double frontage on Warrior Creek ! Untouched hardwoods, old growth pine, field openings for wildlife, High population of deer and turkeys and virtually not hunted in years. Stunning 20 acre lake yields bass over 10 lbs and is beautiful. This area consistently under the radar for Whitetail bucks scoring in the 160’s, 170’s and higher. […]

Land and house near Jackson Lake
74 Acres +/-
Jasper County, GA

74+- acres of land with single family house and pond. Open pasture land and woods. The property is bordered by roads on 3 sides, by paved roads Hwy 11 and Jackson Lake road. The 3rd is a county maintained dirt road. Potential land division with multiple homesites.

Timber property with water and cabin site
49 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

Excellent hunting property with investment grade timber. Majority of the property is mature planted pines ready for another thinning. Property has year round water source surrounded by big hardwoods. There is a great internal road system. Power is on site..

Peach County Hill’s

Peach County Hill’s

$ 2,250 / acre
60 Acres +/-
Peach County, GA

This unique property is an upland mix of hardwoods and pines in a neighborhood cut. Creek frontage on Bay Creek. Deer Hunting is said to be excellent with many mature bucks and extensive management all around. 2 food plots and a good road system. The property has farm land influence around it. Paved road frontage.

86+- acres Flint River Corridor Timber/Hunting Property
86 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

This timber hunting property is located in #1 Ranked Big Buck Macon County and in the Flint River Corridor. The subject property is located just 1.5 miles from the Flint River. This property has approximately 10 acres in 20 year old planted pines and the remaining balance in premerchantable planted pine timber. Hunting in the […]

Flint River Basin ! Secluded timberland hunting in Blue Chip trophy deer country
200 Acres +/-
Peach County, GA

OWNER WILL ENTERTAIN DIVIDING!! Located virtually at the junction of three of Georgia’s most prolific Boone and Crockett producing Flint River counties (MACON, TAYLOR and CRAWFORD), this property itself is approx. 1.5 miles from the Flint. Neighbors are like minded QDM landowners. Graded road ends at the property essentially eliminating encroachment. Topography is rolling with […]

Southeast Georgia turn key small Hunting tract
53 Acres +/-
Treutlen County, GA

This rural Southeast Georgia timberland property is privately located in quaint Treutlen County. Mixed hardwood and pine timberland is pretty and recently built metal cabin structure has living quarters plus roll up door for tractor storage. Cabin is fully furnished . Neat. Food plots are limed and fertilized on schedule and there is a power […]

Turn-key blue chip timberland hunting near Lake Eufaula! PRICE REDUCED
331 Acres +/-
Barbour County, AL

Owner’s health forces sale – strictly managed and improved for years for quality Whitetail Deer and turkeys. A stocked fish pond is a full complement to outdoor activities along with established hunting fields and enclosed tower stands custom built on site. Proximity to neighboring farmland plus surrounding Choctawhatchee River basin provides ultimate grounds for wildlife […]

51+- Acres Mixed pine and hardwoods
51 Acres +/-
Terrell County, GA

Rare small timberland property with graded and paved road frontage in quiet country area. Good deer hunting plus multiple building sites and pretty woods is a short drive from Dawson or Albany. Terrain is flat with subtle elevations at east side.

70+- acres Flint River Hunting
70 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

Blue chip deer and turkey hunting in the shadows of urban sprawl near Montezuma, GA. Textbook environment for harvesting a mature Flint River buck on proven ground. Contiguous adjoining Flint River front acreage ( over 500 acres) for years has been rigidly managed for quality wildlife and consistently yields high scoring antlered deer. Woodland is […]

278 (+-) ac. timberland showplace with improvements and world class Whitetail hunting
278 Acres +/-
Upspon County, GA

PRICE REDUCED ! Pretty beyond belief. Too much to tell without getting on the ground. Main dwelling is like new, tastefully done and with deck overlooking stocked pond. Smaller guest cabin is used for hunting guests and is neat with screened porch overlooking pond. Approach from paved road is tree lined drive winding privately thru […]

182+- acres Excellent farmland, large shop/equipment bldg., long creek front – great hunting
182 Acres +/-
Dooly County, GA

Coveted Dooly County – Beautiful farming community with 67 (+-) acres quality farmland complemented by over a mile (+-) of year ’round creek and natural growth timberland with food plot locations. Excellent deer hunting in one of Georgia’s top trophy Whitetail Deer counties. Turkeys here too. Duck shooting said to be great .. large insulated, […]

House, merch Pine, planted Long Leaf, Natural pine regeneration and upland hardwood regen with great deer hunting
209 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

Diverse timberland property with multi age planted and natural pine plus hardwood regeneration. A neat brick 3 br 2 ba house is centrally located with a second house (block) that could prove useful. Topography is rolling and pretty. Approx 140 acres is on Southeast side of paved rd. with balance on Northwest side with the […]

151+- acres Crisp County Irrigated Farm Land
151 Acres +/-
Crisp County, GA

Irrigated farm land with farm lease income in place. This property has an 8″ working well servicing an all electric Powerhouse Lockwood center pivot. Merchantable pine timber is an additional income factor with a woodland balance in hardwoods. A wet weather area exists on the southern portion of the property. Hunting opportunities are excellent with […]

233+- Acres Textbook Deer and turkey management
233 Acres +/-
Sumter County, GA

Flint River basin! Sumter and the counties of Lee, Macon and Dooly that adjoin are prolific producers of high scoring antlered deer year after year. Likely as good as the southeastern U.S. offers. Restrictive deer harvest and high quality habitat have led to a large deer population on this subject property. Carved, in part, out […]

Crawford County Hunting/with pond
55 Acres +/-
Crawford County, GA

First quality timberland hunting property with everything any buyer looks for and IN A FLINT RIVER COUNTY: Beautiful rolling terrain, extraordinary abundance of surface water (at least three creek branches plus beaver pond influence), gorgeous merchantable hardwoods and pines; pretty pond in place – needs some work but has obvious potential (note that ponds are […]

Timberland hunting in SE Georgia !
18 Acres +/-
Telfair County, GA

WILL DIVIDE INTO LOTS! Old farm turned timberland with good natural stand of pine regeneration. Access is excellent from Hwy 280 between Milan and McCrae in an area known for great deer hunting. There are food plot locations, prominent pine stands and hardwood drains with seasonal watershed. We are told that turkeys use this place… […]

230+- acres Blue chip merch. timber, pretty spring fed creeks, pine straw income, pond, mobile home, Exc. deer and turkey hunting!
230 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

One of the prettiest small properties for sale in the Upper Coastal Plain. This one time family farm is now focused on investment growth of older pine timber (cruise available) plus a textbook 40 acre stand of Longleaf pines soon to yield harvest income. Two spring fed year round creeks converge on site and offer […]

115+- acres Farm Land Sanctuary
115 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

This Macon County, Georgia land for sale consists of 2 age classes of planted loblolly pines surrounded by row crop Ag land. Just a few hundred yards from year round creek. The property has a great maintained internal road system and food plots in place. Box stands and feeders come with the sale.

Gorgeous 279 (+-) acres Double Creek frontage with great timber investment merit
279 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

Hunt your timber investment on Patsliga Creek. Merchantable pine is complemented by pretty hardwoods along flowing creeks. Rolling topography has well established road system and food plots. Patsliga Creek normally flows gin clear and is known to have excellent deer hunting as it flows to the Flint River. An interior creek branch further provides surface […]

Monroe County Exclusive country estate
50 Acres +/-
Monroe County, GA

Too much to tell…Custom designed home is privately situated at end of scenic winding drive. Rolling topography is grandly complemented by majestic oaks, landscaped woodlands, small pecan grove, and vast expanses of green. Turkeys and Whitetail Deer are frequent visitors here. Deer routinely gather for viewing at ‘coffee and tea’ off of beautifully elevated patio. […]

177+- acres As pretty as it gets hardwoods
177 Acres +/-
Schley County, GA

This Schley County Georgia land for sale is as pretty as it gets. 80+ acres of mature hardwood bottoms with white oaks though out doesn’t get any better. 60+ acres of Longleaf pines in current straw production brings in annual income. Longleaf pines have never been thinned but are on the verge of being ready. […]

29+- Acres Flint River Corridor Hunting
29 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

Macon County Georgia land for sale in the Flint River Corridor. This small acreage hunting property is surrounded by agricultural influence. Loaded with deer and turkeys. Macon County is a Quality Deer managed county and being ranked year after year in the top 10 counties has proven its effectiveness.

69+- acres Peach County Georgia
69 Acres +/-
Peach County, GA

Peach County Georgia Land for Sale. This prime timber and hunting land in Peach county is close enough to Warner Robbins, Perry, Byron, and Macon to be able to hunt before or after work and still make it to the office or house in 30 minutes. Stands are included in the sale. ZONED R2 CLASS […]

342+-ACRES! NEW LISTING – mature hardwoods, multi age pines, creeks, Flint River basin !
342 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

The most difficult of Flint River basin properties to find – and in a leading trophy deer county: Pretty old growth hardwood on Toteover Creek, various age class planted pines, food plots, road frontage with power available and outstanding deer and turkey hunting! Located in a beautiful farming area. An excellent opportunity to invest in […]

551+- ACRES Macon County Flint River Hardwoods
550 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

Flint River Hardwoods is untouched mature hardwoods along the Flint River corridor of Macon County Georgia. This property has a great internal road system and food plots throughout. There is an elevated cabin for peace of mind should infrequent times of high water be a factor. There are upland areas not subject to high water […]

550+- Acre Flint River/ Whitewater creek Farm
550 Acres +/-
Macon County, GA

Where well known Whitewater Creek and the Flint River meet in Macon County Georgia. Take a ride through the property and the wildlife says it all. From deer highways containing rubs and scrapes, turkeys strutting and scratching, residual ducks still hanging around, and of course hogs. There is a 55+- acre irrigated agricultural field that […]

53+- acre Mini Farm
53 Acres +/-
Sumter County, GA

This mini farm has it all. Fish pond with dock, pines, hardwoods, food plots. Just off the Flint River in a high trophy managed area. There is a high deer density and lots of turkeys. There is a ridge of white oaks for bow hunting. The food plots have wildlife trees planted along the edge […]

69+- acre Olcmugee Corridor Hunting & Fishing
69 Acres +/-
Dodge County, GA

This smaller property has it all. A small fish pond produces duck hunting which is influenced by the Olcmugee River. Fishing could be great as well. There are two large food plots with tower stands in place, as well as wildlife trees planted. There is a great internal road system to slip around throughout the […]

103+- Acre Pine Timber Farm
103 Acres +/-
Webster County, GA
2275 acres Fox Creek Plantation
2275 Acres +/-
Lee County, GA

Established hunting plantation has lakes, main house, manager’s house, horse stable, kennels, etc. Maintained for years for wild quail but is an extraordinary property for Whitetail Deer and Turkey hunting. Southern Rivers Properties was cooperating selling broker with special thanks to associate broker Josh Pfeiffer.

3442 (+-) acres Kinchafoonnee Forest and Farm
3442 Acres +/-
Lee and Terrell County, GA

State of the art managed timberland various growth stages but heavy to pine sawtimber. Miles of frontage on Kinchafoonnee Creek, navigable in many places and well known for Outstanding deer and turkey hunting. Approx. 270 acres is in irrigated, genetically improved pecan orchard. Improvements include well designed cabin overlooking stocked lake, equipment barns, remarkably engineered […]

768 acres – Beautiful timberland investment property with cabin and great hunting
768 Acres +/-
Pulaski County, GA

Located south of Hawkinsville and near Ocmulgee River this is a splendid investment property of older pine plantation with mixed younger age classes of pine. Prominent creek is south boundary and old growth hardwoods are scattered throughout. Secluded hunting cabin has equipment shelter. Multiple food plots complement a high population of deer and turkeys. There […]

65+- acres Outstanding quality deer and turkey hunting – with high population of both !!
65 Acres +/-
Taylor County, GA

This property has been privately owned implementing intense wildlife management for 15 years. Owner and bordering neighbors all cooperatively participate in strict QDM practices.

Houston County homesites

Houston County homesites

$ 14,900 / acre
5 Acres +/-
Houston County, GA

Houston County homesites. Located in the city limits of Perry. Country feel with close proximity to town and interstate 75

Pretty heavily wooded 15 acre country property
15 Acres +/-
Laurens County, GA
18.9 acres of private, secluded country paradise
18.9 Acres +/-
Randolph County, Georgia

This hard to find small property has Beautiful mature pines, scattered hardwoods, gorgeous elevations for building and secluded location on county graded road. This could be a place to live with excellent deer hunting. There is one neighbor in immediate vicinity otherwise nothing but timberland and farming.  Owner has planted numerous oaks, fruit trees, persimmon, […]

Shellstone Creek

Shellstone Creek

$ 326,500
109 Acres +/-
Twiggs County, GA

109+- acre Shellstone Creek Property This property is a mix of planted pines and hardwoods. It has an extensive road system that allows one to travel to food plots on separate ends of the property. This property is a mix of planted pines and hardwoods. It has an extensive road system that allows one to […]

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